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Past Event

The Go Programming Language: Principles and Practice

Date & Time : 10 October, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue : BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT Ground Floor 25 Copthall Avenue London England EC2R 7BP (View on Google Maps)
Speaker : Geoff Johnstone


The Go programming language was conceived in 2007 to address engineering problems at Google: build times, dependency management, concurrency and developer productivity. Released publicly in 2009, current users include the BBC, gov.uk, Uber, Twitter and Netflix; oft-cited Go projects include Prometheus, Kubernetes and Docker. However, popular criticisms include a lack of parametric polymorphism (generics), an anaemic type system and a lack of immutability.

The talk will give a brief history of Go, demonstrate its key features, and discuss our experience of Go in production. We shall discuss Go's suitability in a variety of problem domains, and compare it with other common choices, including Kotlin, Rust and TypeScript.

About the Speaker

Geoff Johnstone is the Head of Development at Hexegic Ltd. His role includes developing embedded systems, cryptographic and network systems software and web applications for public and private sector clients. He has developed software professionally for over twenty years; previous work includes the software that powers the largest security operations centre in Japan, formally specifying an embedded operating system and writing boot loaders and device drivers for bespoke embedded ARM devices. Geoff holds degrees from Warwick and Oxford, is a Chartered Engineer and a Certified Information Systems Security Professional.