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Past Event

Improving Software Project Certainty : A focus on requirements quality and size measurement with ScopeMaster

Date & Time : Thursday 13 December 2018, 6.00pm - 9.30pm
Venue : BCS, 1st Floor, The Davidson Building, 5 Southampton Street, London, WC2E 7HA
(View on Google Maps)
Speaker : Colin Hammond, MEng, MBCS, CFPS


Software projects, especially large ones are notorious for delay, and in many cases complete failure. Often the root cause of this is poor quality and misunderstood requirements. This talk is about a fresh approach to driving quality using a new tool that helps requirements authors improve user story quality at incredible speed. The tool simultaneously provides an ISO standard metric of software size which can be used by project managers to bring measurability and certainty into their projects.

About the Speaker

Colin is a highly experienced IT project and portfolio manager. He has worked for many well-known organisations across retail, financial and education sectors, mostly on software development projects. Colin is the author of ScopeMaster.com, a tool that helps improve the quality of software requirements and simultaneously measures functional size automatically from requirements text.